Our company operates in compliance with applicable quality standards and is UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Quality Policy
Frigomar s.r.l. considers client satisfaction to be the key driver for consolidating and expanding its presence in the market.
Frigomar s.r.l. believes that client satisfaction is achieved by providing services and products which:
- are designed and produced in a way that is innovative and competitive, where the objective is to prevent non-conformities rather than to identify and eliminate them,
- are designed to meet client requirements and are consistent,
- are produced and / or executed in full compliance with existing regulations,
- adhere to contractual requirements and anticipate the client’s explicit and implicit needs,
- optimise the value for money of the service / product,
- involve personnel that are fully conversant with and apply the Quality Management System,
- enable the achievement of the company’s stipulated improvement objectives.
The Management is committed to satisfying the requirements of the QMS and to continuously improving its effectiveness.
Within the ambit of this framework, which includes the market context in which Frigomar s.r.l. operates, the Management decided to assign the Quality Management System Manager the responsibility for updating the Quality Management System in order to comply with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard with the purpose of achieving the objectives as stipulated herein and of identifying suitable and progressive improvement objectives.
The QMS Manager undertakes to meet the requirements stipulated by this Quality Policy and to ensure that the Quality Management System is:
- designed in accordance with the Organisation’s activities and size,
- applied,
- communicated to all levels of the Organisation,
- maintained.
The Quality Policy is suitable with respect to the strategies, size, products and activities of the Organisation.
Nella logica del miglioramento continuo la Direzione si impegna a riesaminare annualmente la presente Politica per La Qualità per verificarne la continua attualità ed adeguatezza e definire, ove necessario, nuovi obiettivi coerenti con la Politica per la Qualità e misurabili.
Gli obiettivi definiti sono portati a conoscenza dell’Organizzazione.
Carasco, 14 luglio 2016
la Direzione.